Woman smiling broadly

Daily Abundance

Written by Willemijn Laan

Life can be very demanding and this makes it extra important to be conscious about the daily activities that you do. What most of us want is to create flow in our days, to have a continuous stream of feeling good about ourselves and our decisions. Although it sounds easy, it can feel hard to actually accomplish. And that’s because we’ve made a habit of making unconscious decisions that do not serve our flow and energy:

“Does this mean I simply have to change my habits?”
“Yes. You do!”

The main thing about all that I write about here and focus on in my coaching programs is to become more and more conscious about all that you do in your life. From your feelings to your actions.

To feel daily abundance this is also an important factor and I’ll give you some ideas on how to get yourself started.
It’s amazing to see what happens when you give room to conscious planning and adding creativity to your life!

Daily Abundance practice… How do you start?
We’re going to start our days in a new and improved way with some vital questions and a practice.

Why at the start of the day? Because it sets the energy for the rest of the day. When you start your day doing things that are energy-draining and don’t fill your soul with creative, sensual or transformational energy you will feel the difference in your general being for the rest of the day.

It’s difficult to stop your practical daily stuff to do something fun and creative if this isn’t consciously planned. It’s one of the reasons it’s best to not start your day with reactive activities such as reading your email; once you’ve started this activity chances are big that you’ll fall into one reactive activity into the other for the rest of the day.

But asking conscious questions and making conscious choices for your daily life will more likely result in daily abundance. 

Every morning:

Ask yourself (and maybe write down the answers in a journal):

  • How do I want to feel today?
  • What (small or large) activities can I do today to generate this feeling? 
  • Think about something creative, fun, light or relaxing that gives you energy above anything else. It could be writing, cooking something you’ve never cooked before, drawing, dancing, making music, doing your own yoga practice, or anything else that fills you with energy. Schedule as little (although keep 10-15 minutes as a minimum for real effect) or as much time as you want with this activity, every single day.Creative energy is a transformational energy and an important expression of self. It is one of the key components to feeling fulfilled and energized. That’s why it’s super important to keep exploring your creativity and to give enough space to it.
  • Making it a habit: Commit to do this for at least one week (longer is always better) and write how it makes you feel and share this with me. Writing about it and sharing this with someone else makes it even more tangible. And I’d love to be a part of your journey.

You don’t have to be afraid to lose yourself in the creative process and you don’t have to be afraid that you are not a creative person.

The more you can embrace the creative process in yourself and others, the more creative flow, abundance and love will surround you.  

Enjoy daily abundance!


PS: check out my Daily Abundance course for more.
If you feel more drawn to one on one coaching with me. You can schedule a free Discovery session with me here.